Employment Law Seminar 30th March 2023

Our first Employment Law Seminar of 2023 will take place on Thursday 30th March at our base in Braintree, the exciting new enterprise and innovation centre, The Plaza. We are delighted, once again, to be welcoming Cas Carrington, Partner at KLC Law, bringing her expertise in employment law.

KLC is highly regarded for providing professional and practical employment law solutions, and Cas has been working with us now for well over a decade as we offer this invaluable resource to our region’s HR professionals.

Our seminars are free to attend, but we do ask that you please book your place using the form on our seminars page.

We know that many of our clients attend as many of these seminars as they can, as a ‘not to be missed’ opportunity to update their knowledge and expertise. If you haven’t yet found out how great they are, do sign up for a place and we will look forward to welcoming you for the first time. We think it will be the first of many!

For our March 30th seminar, here’s what you can expect. Cas will be bringing us up to date on the following:

Case law, including, USDAW & ors v Tesco Stores

What’s coming our way, including

Draft Statutory CoP on dismissal and re-engagement
Revised holiday calculation for part-year and irregular hours workers
Amended law on flexible working
Changes to law on striking?
GRC reform in Scotland

Tricky HR issues, including

Disciplinary hearings – what could possibly go wrong?
Managing appeals effectively
Managing probation
Protection of wages
Restrictive covenants and TUPE